All throughout history there are reports of various foods and drinks that are said to naturally increase sexual arousal in humans. An aphrodisiac is a substance that is reported to raise libido by taste, by smell or from a drug.

There are several natural aphrodisiacs that appear in plant form including fruits, vegetables and grains. Many herbs, roots and spices also are thought to contain substances that act as a natural aphrodisiac such as ginseng root, basil, garlic and ginger, just to name a few.

One of the most common foods that have been reported to act as a natural aphrodisiac is the ever famous oyster. The oyster has long been used as a way of enhancing sexual desire and still eaten daily in some parts of the world for this very reason. Bananas are also thought to be a natural aphrodisiac not only because of their phallic shape but because of their high potassium and vitamin B contents which are said to be necessary for the production of certain sex-related hormones.

The scent of cucumbers, besides their phallic shape, has been known to stimulate women by increasing blood flow and increasing sexual desire. Some of these foods are thought to enhance one's sexual desire either due to their combination of chemical properties, or their aroma or even simply their shape as with bananas and kiwi.

Chocolate has also been associated with romance and love dating as far back as the ancient Mayan ruler Montezuma. He was rumored to have ingested large quantities of chocolate in liquid form on a daily basis to enhance his sexual abilities. But modern research has proved that chocolate contains serotonin and phenyl ethylamines which are both chemicals found naturally within our bodies and produce that "feel good" sensation. These chemicals are released by our brain when we experience emotions like happiness or love as well as passion.

Quite a lot has been said as of late regarding the studies of human pheromones, their affect on our sexual desire and their ability to act as a natural aphrodisiac. The word pheromone is derived from the Greek words "pherein" and "hormone" which together mean "excitement carrier" in English. In the animal world, pheromones have been known of for quite some time. It has been confirmed that animals possess individual scent "prints" that are found in sweat and urine which attract the opposite sex and dictate certain sexual behaviors.

Scientists discovered the existence of pheromones in humans in 1986 and have been studying them ever since. They have discovered that pheromones act as chemical signals and behave in a manner not unlike those of hormones. Pheromones can be used in certain fragrances and perfumes to serve as an olfactory aphrodisiac.

Rather convincing studies have been conducted with identical twins and the use of pheromones. Scientists have found that the twin who was sprayed with the fragrance that contained pheromones was approached by the opposite sex three times more than the twin who was sprayed with the same exact scent, but without the pheromones.

Based on the scientific evidence such as that found in the above study and several others like it, more and more people are trying natural aphrodisiacs for enhancing their personal lives, to be more attractive to the opposite sex as well as increase their sexual desire.

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